Angel's Devil (Jake Brand, PI #1) by M. Louis

Angel’s Devil (Jake Brand, PI #1)

Angel's Devil (Jake Brand, PI #1) by M. Louis
Angel’s Devil (Jake Brand, PI #1)
by M. Louis

I listened to the audiobook on a long drive. I’m not usually a fan of crime thrillers, but this had enough of a mix between Jake, the main character’s, inner world and the outer world to hold my interest.

I suspect I would not have finished this book if I’d been reading. It has a pretty big cast of flat characters and a lot of wallowing. The inner dialog between the angel and devil are well intentioned as comic relief, and they work sometimes, but not often enough.

The Angel is not very angelic. Both characters berate Jake, so there’s a lot of self-harm and self-loathing on display here; not my bag. The best bits are the actual trying-to-figure-out-what’s-going-on and I enjoyed the little surprise ending very, very much.

I didn’t care about what happened to the characters, but the narrator’s amazing voice and skill in distinguishing between characters, made the book come alive.

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