Author: Yvette

  • Book Reviews: Science Fiction Mystery Romp

    Murder on the Orion Express by Nate Streeper My rating: 3 of 5 stars Murder on the Orion Express is a fun book full of humor and great action sequences, but I had enough trouble with some aspects of it that I didn’t enjoy it as much as I wanted to. The story was sound,…

  • Non-Fic Fridays: What Regency Women Did For Us

    Non-Fic Fridays: What Regency Women Did For Us

    I loved my Finnemore Fridays, and soon I will find a legit way to bring them back, continuing my quest to spread the brilliance of John Finnemore far and wide (without bending any copyright laws). Until then, let’s talk non-fiction! There was a major swath of years between 25-35 where I don’t recall reading any non-fiction…

  • Whatcha Readin’?

    You’ve seen the fiction binge I’ve been on since December, so this post is about the non-fiction books on my To Be Read (TBR) pile. Wonderland: How Play Made The Modern World, by Steven Johnson, is one of the books on my currently reading stack. I love his premise that creation for the sake of joy spurred…

  • The Speed of Narration

    The Speed of Narration

    Forums are such an interesting place to hang out (when you have the time). This week I participated in an interesting thread about listeners who speed up their audiobooks. It’s a good topic for me to think about as I edit The Body In The Bathtub, due out at the end of this month. Some…

  • Book Review: The Binge Continues

    Book Review: The Binge Continues

    My historical romance binge continues with a three-book series called The Extraordinaries, by author Melissa McShane. Let’s be honest: I read these books because of the GORGEOUS covers. It happens. You will probably enjoy this series if you are a fan of naval war books like the Horatio Hornblower novels but with a fantasy twist,…

  • 2018 Reading Goals: JASNA Book Club

    2018 Reading Goals: JASNA Book Club

    One of my goals this year is to read more books. Since I love talking about what I read, a way to do that is to read and discuss with my local JASNA chapter (which happens to be the Ventura JASNA Book Club). If you want to join the fun, we will be reading: January…

  • Reading for Escape

    Permission (from me) to immerse myself in books is my favorite thing about the winter holiday. Curling up, warm and cozy, with nothing to do but sleep in, read, and eat holiday foods is one flavor of paradise. Over the past few years, holiday reading is also about trying to catch up to my annual…

  • Thomas Fire: Day 17

    I think we’re going to be ok. By “we” I mean my beloved home town of Santa Barbara. Me? I was never in real danger. (Right?) The Thomas fire is now the 2nd largest in the history of CA. The LA Times says that looks like this: This fire is losing to better weather, and an…

  • Thomas Fire: Day 7

    Back to Scary. Fire spreading very fast. Being fought very hard. I’m helping older friends prepare and evac. by calling them, their out of town family, and offering to home their stuff. Fire on track to be the record largest fire ever… …not fun. Fingers crossed tomorrow will be better news.  

  • Thomas Fire: Day 6

    I haven’t left my house since Monday. At first it was the sore throat and congestion. Then the air quality kept me inside with every window shut tight and air filters going. We decided to catch up on errands and see a movie, Jane, today. The new Santa Barbara International Film Featival Headquarters and the…