Author: Yvette
My Buddy Kevin
Kevin is one of the people in my life who is so cool that I kinda can’t believe I know him. Have known him for twenty years. He’s the Chair of Worldcon 76, 2018, in San Jose. He’s a master costumer. He’s more fun at any party than Eccentrica Gallumbits. He has lent me some of…
Geek Cred -4: Blade Runner 2049 +.5
Let’s get this out of the way up front: I’ve never seen Blade Runner all the way through. I was nine in 1982 and it wouldn’t have been my thing. (My thing that year was probably Grease 2 or Annie. I was taken to see E.T. and I didn’t like it much.) Nor have I read…
Finnemore Fridays: Messengers out of Sync
This week my kitchen remodel Project Manager put the lead carpenter in charge of “day to day” for my kitchen remodel. At first, I thought this would be great. The guy doing-the-doing would be the guy organizing what gets done. No middleman. But that isn’t how it worked. The Lead would have a conversation with…
Finnemore Fridays: Interesting Job
In light of yesterday’s post, I thought I would share that I apparently have the Most Interesting Job in the World as an Audiobook Narrator. Seriously, it is great fun telling people that is what I’m doing for a living. People are fascinated. That never happened when I said I was an Education Services Manager…
The Unasked Question: Emily Randolph-Epstein Asks Why
It seems the safest question to ask when you meet anyone new: “So, what do you do for a living?” Did cocktail parties of the 50’s give us this dreaded question? Because I wish it would die already, or become as much tongue and cheek as “How about those Dodgers?” I do so many things.…
Finnemore Fridays: The Human Condition
Identifying habits is hard but rewarding personal work. For example, I know I can be irritatingly stubborn about things I “know” are “right.” I recognize this is a bad habit, but it makes me feel safe. At a young age, I felt that no one listened to me or believed me when I had an…
Finnemore Fridays: When in Rome
Impostor syndrome has me down today. Worry that no one will ever like anything I write, because I’m not a real writer (or not a real good one), and everything has been done, and I should bin it all and get a ‘real job.’ As the sketch points out, Rome wasn’t built in a day.…
The W-X Factor Part 1: Writers and Peers
TL;DR (aka executive) Summary: Episode 2.29 of Write Right Podcast spurred my thoughts about how the Writing Excuses Cast and Staff got it right and created a learning community on the WXR Baltic Cruise. From modeling, to clear agreements, and creating safe space, they facilitated strangers becoming a team, and ultimately, peers. ∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼ In my goals list…
Finnemore Fridays: Procrastination, Anyone?
Ahhh, procrastination is such a useful tool for getting everything done except what you should be doing. Here’s a funny little song to enjoy as you head into a weekend full of chores that need doing (so you’ll probably binge-watch something great).
Melanie Marttila: The Writing Excuses Retreat, part 3
Melanie lapped me again on the track of travel blogging, so I’ll share her version of Part 3 to keep your appetites whetted. Some things were different for me: I didn’t wake up at stupid o’clock because I spent two days in Vienna, adjusting to the time zone shift. I thought the gorgeous islands on…