I’ve been looking at my web traffic and you Weekly Blog Subscribers appear to be my biggest fans. More of you visit my website and I get most visits Wed, Thursday, and Friday.
So why do the monthly newsletter subscribers get all the most special things? Why are they are they *special?* Why don’t you *BLOG* subscribers also get special things?!
The answer is Economics. Trusting me with your name, email address, and a smidgeon of your attention to either read (or delete) my newsletter each month, not only keeps you up to date with ‘Vette Haps but is also an “asset” to my “brand.”
Damn marketing lingo. Do you feel used?
Some of my blog readers asked, and that’s the true answer to why newsletter subscribers are special and get special things. They are in essence, letting me use them to validate my artist-ness like a girl scout badge on a sash.
When you join my tribe, become a part of my “platform,” you are helping me get to the next level of my writing and narration career in a BUNCH of ways.
Most importantly, you are my audience. I write. I narrate. For You.
Yes, You.
Without knowing someone is listening, shouting “The bee didn’t work!” into the void loses meaning. (That’s an inside joke from The Body in the Bathtub audiobook, which you might want to check out.)
No one wants to wait on the shore, getting sunburned, in the hopes that maybe a message-filled bottle will float by. It’s better to just go to the village and talk to the natives. Maybe they’ll revere you as a Goddess, or maybe you’ll be dinner, but you’ve tried.
It’s just one email a month. Why does it help you?
I initially felt disgusted when I learned that “the numbers” are a huge part of an author/artist’s chances of getting an agent and being published.
Then I had some experiences with other authors and artists. I subscribed to some newsletters. I enjoyed their content. I participated in who the artists were and what they were creating in the world.
I got over myself:
The business part of an artist’s job is to make things that connect with people AND to make connections with people who are likely to connect to things they make.
That’s a mouthful. Basically, newsletter subscribers are the golden rings a career artist is always reaching for. A group of people that they can point to if an agent asks, and say, “Yeah, look, people already like me. I have a list of 500 people who will go to bat for me and my work. They’ll buy my ____INSERT STUFF I MADE HERE_____.”
That is why ONLY my newsletter readers will get access to the blooper reel for The Body in The Bathtub, Viola Roberts Cozy Mystery Book 4. I’m rewarding their Inbox-Anti-Spam-Trust.
The good news is that if you trust me too, you can subscribe, and hear me making a total fool of myself. And you might learn something about the girl-behind-the-curtain’s sense of humor.
You can listen to the funny flubs and silly sounds of me in the studio by becoming a Monthly Newsletter Subscriber.
And thanks, in advance, for your trust and support!
What do you think?