Category: Live Performances
Sexy, Party of One?
When I voice a character, when I get on a stage, when I write dialog, my choices are informed by the intention I choose to put behind them. If I forget to choose, the output is bad.
MOXI REPORT: Nerdy Good Time on a Friday Night
Yes, I’m a big nerd, and my idea of a fun Friday night is a science lecture. With a side order of dissection. Fair warning, there are pictures, so avert your eyes if filet of cow eyeballs isn’t your thing. My friend Lisa invited me to a member only night at MOXI, The Wolf Museum…
Finnemore Friday: The New Edition Sketch
I traveled this summer, asking a lot of people I had just met if they were John Finnemore Fans. “Who?” Was the most frequent reply. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! Everyone should be listening to John Finnemore. Unless you have listened and didn’t like him, in which case, I ask, “Are you sure? Really sure? Go on, have another go.”…
Cuisine & Confessions: 7 Fingers of the Hand
Watching Cirque isn’t normally my bag (I will not say circus. There is zero resemblance to Barnum or Bailey here). I saw a deeply traumatizing Cirque du Soleil show in San Jose once, and have avoided the performance style ever since. So when I tell you that Cuisine & Confessions by 7 Fingers of the Hand cirque troupe…
Reading Aloud: Tips Prepared for The Braille Institute of Santa Barbara
As part of the Library Week Open House, I’ll be speaking at the Braille Institute of Santa Barbara about being an audiobook narrator. The interview and discussion are open to the public, and if you’re at loose ends Thursday afternoon, please drop by! The institute asked me to write up three tips for…