Category: Article

  • Erotica for A Clothing Addict

    Erotica for A Clothing Addict

    The J. Peterman Company has been around, publishing its glorious owner’s manuals since 1987 (the year I started High School). Yes, I had to look that up. I never saw one, nor watched Seinfeld, until I went away to college. That was when my mentor, Steven Crain, shared one of the catalogs on a cool,…

  • Black Tea with Lemon and Honey

    For the first time, I tried drinking my morning black tea with honey and lemon. The honey was a diluted buckwheat honey water (we are almost out of our honey stash and I am using up the last little bit). The lemon was a Meyer lemon, with a peel almost the pale orange of a sunset.…

  • Marvelling at a host of great characters, oh, and that Dr. Strange guy too.

    This may be harsh, but my favorite character in Dr. Strange was the Cloak of Levitation. It was decisive, powerful, loyal, and silly. Basically, the writers gave the Doctor a wearable guard dog to lighten him up. One of my closest friends is a surgeon, so I’ve seen a dog-surgeon relationship first hand: the dog is the…

  • Generosity and Intimacies

    I’ve been sick this week which means that I was productive in unusual ways. I slept a lot. Coughed a heck of a lot of phlegm out of my lungs (sorry to go literal on you there). Sat with the husband and completed year-end tax-deductible donations. And I finally managed to finish a book and a TV…

  • Taiwanese Treats: A Liquor I Like

    My lovely conspira-tea-ist friend Angela went to Taiwan for work and brought me back a boxed set of three fine Oolong Teas. There is Chinese food en route with my loving husband for dinner tonight, and since I’ve been under the weather, I decided to treat myself by opening the box, cracking the tin, and slicing the…

  • Ramen Up For Tampopo, Cowboys!

    Ramen Up For Tampopo, Cowboys!

    Tampopo is a ten-course meal of visual intensity. Watching it was like being at a feast table with a wide variety of friends and relatives. Some tell funny stories and some tell scary stories. A few are boring and others are disgusting. And ten courses goes on, and on, and on. Too much for me…

  • Why thank you! I’d like some more dog food, please.

    DAY ONE, STEP ONE: Talk to the scary people. The day after the election, in my grief and rage I implemented the first step of my “stay sane” plan. Anyone I don’t know how they voted is a “scary” person. Get rid of the scary people. Excise them from my life. (I didn’t say it was a…

  • What Cassandra Knew

    It is the beginning of week two of NaNoWriMo and I cannot think, I can only feel, and I feel horrible. Day eight technically, but it feels like Day one of being reborn in a Cowardly New World. Luckily for me, writing is not the sort of thing that requires clear thought because I don’t…

  • My first published short fiction!

    My first published short fiction!

    After only seven rejections, my first “finished” short story is published! I’m happy. It is a huge deal because my struggle is that I never FINISH anything. So this is a big win, people! Although I don’t think Roundabout Protection started off as much, I like what it turned into. I’ve heard there’s a market for…

  • Adventures in Narration

    Everyone around me was so supportive and curious about my first job as an audiobook narrator that I wrote many facebook posts and journal entries about the day-to-day process. For launching my new website, I decided to gather them all together here and share the ups-and-downs.   May 09, 2016 1:15pm So, when I was doing over voice…