Category: Fiction

  • Destruction of the Favorites

    Do you know your five favorite pieces of clothing? If you’re like me, they’re the first things you pack for a trip and the first things that go in the wash when you get home. The soft purple hoodie with huge pockets that your friend Linda helped you find for your terrifying trip to Europe.…

  • Happy Spring

    Hello, 1 AM! The full moon of Spring Equinox woke me with inescapable silver brightness. Instead of digging up my sleep mask, I’ve come to blog for you, friends. WINTER IS OVER. My creative energy has returned with a vengeance: I want to go everywhere and see everyone, and do everything…NOW. What things do I…

  • A Gothic 2019

    Fiction, horror, death, and sometimes romance, written to cause “a pleasing sort of terror,” is what defines Gothic Literature. Given the recent death of my mother, this new orphan is unsurprised that 2019 looks to be a very Gothic one. Jane Austen satirized the love of the Gothic novel in her own novel Northanger Abbey.  The…

  • Publication Announcement

    Publication Announcement

    The Pagan Society is pleased (and I’m pleased too!) to announce the release of Enheduanna: A Pagan Literary Journal Vol 3!   This issue is over 140 pages of diverse poetry, creative nonfiction, flash, and short fiction from authors around the world (including me!). Enheduanna continues to be the leading peer-reviewed Pagan literary journal. For the third year, the journal has…

  • Book Horoscope?

    Book Horoscope?

    Have you ever heard of a book horoscope before? I hadn’t. But somehow I got signed up for a mailing list from a site called Read it Forward that sends me ideas of things to read. I love books, I love to read, win-win, right? Wrong. Just like any horoscope, I’ve practically convinced myself that…

  • The Picture Game: A Sample Entry

    The Picture Game: A Sample Entry

    I thought I would start giving you more samples of my writing. To be honest, I wrote for 10 and edited/added for 20 minutes. Here’s an example of what I write when I’m playing the picture game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Picture Game is a daily writing exercise for anyone who wants to participate. The rules are easy. 1…

  • Santa Barbara Writers Conference Outcomes

    Some people go to conferences to study specific topics, focus on particular things. The 2017 SBWC didn’t hold any targeted interest for me. I don’t have a manuscript to pitch, a Work In Progress (WIP) Novel to workshop, or even something I think I’m terrible at that needs rectifying. All I need is practice. So my…

  • “What’s your favorite band?” How avoiding bullying made me an agnostic reader (and music listener)

    “What’s your favorite band?” “I don’t have one. I like all kinds of music.” “What kinds of music, then?” “All music.” “Like what?” “I don’t know any band names, I just sing along with whatever’s on the radio, the record player, the movie…” “Do you know [   ] ?” “Sure!” And they sang.  …

  • For Fun or Money. Often Both.

    Happy Career Milestone!   This month, new book releases have provided me with my first editing credits. When I was asked recently to do “real” editing, I was hesitant. Should I accept payment for providing a service that I am not “trained” nor “licensed” to provide? I mean, Me? Edit!? No way…I barely remember what a…

  • The Venom in the Valentine

    The Venom in the Valentine

    In the spirit of full disclosure, I provided developmental editing for this installment of the Viola Roberts Cozy Mysteries. Even seeing it in its raw form, this is my favorite read so far in the series. Shea MacLeod has climbed to new writing heights with her unique way of mixing of the hilarious with the…