Category: Releases and Publication
This TDA is Taking Off To Celebrate Towel Day (And See The Aliens)
I’m heading to Roswell, New Mexico to emcee Roswell Towel Day.
Bibliography at
In my attempt to support local bookstores and become less dependent on Amazon (where I can), I’ve added a new list called ‘Towel Day Ambassador 2023 Bibliography’ at
Change and Spiritual Heartburn
It is a week of change and spiritual heartburn, a new phrase from a post I read today that resonated with me: “Our version [of change] is cooked and swallowed like something from McDonald’s. It’s Panta Rhei fast-food style, and we suffer an equal spiritual heartburn from the speed.” Erik Brown on Medium The final…
Recent Writing: Cozy Reaction
Every once in a while, I remember that The Drink Tank exists and I go binge a bunch of issues. Last time I did this, I felt compelled to send in comments about a topic near and dear to my heart: Cozy Mysteries. If you’re curious about what I had to say in response to…
Gunnersbury Park Campaign EXTENDED!
The deadline for Gunnersbury Park’s Exhibition “Set To Stun” has been extended! We have until the 27th to fund a museum exhibit that will preserve the spirit of Science Fiction we love.
Santa Barbara Towel Day Celebration 2023
Join the 2023 Towel Day Celebration in Santa Barbara, California on May 25th at The Book Den Independent Bookstore.