Category: Douglas Adams
Day 5 NaNoWriMo Update
In my day 5 NaNoWriMo update I reflect on “bad habits” I share with my hero, Douglas Adams, and how my current project is circumventing them.
Bye, Ricky
“Bye, Ricky!” is a farewell to another location cut from Douglas Adams’ London literary tourism map forthcoming from Herb Lester Associates.
Bye, Heathrow!
The painful crux of being an untried, unknown, unpublished writer, is that it is hard to get (and harder to trust) feedback. You have to let your words go out into the world without caring who will find them trite and who will find them terrific.
Poppy Led Me To Pontoon:
The Spiteri brothers serve the foods they dreamed of in the space that made the Hitchhiker’s movie dream come true.
Total Opulence Overwhelm
If you go to Harrods, leave yourself plenty of time to escape. Almost being late for your high tea appointment because you can’t find an exit from the gift shop may be the quintessential privileged problem, but the reality is that it is all too easy to cross the line from fun to overwhelm and…
I am back from the UK. Submission in two days. The end of the “??? draft” is nigh. This sort of comment from my Beta Readers (my Angels!) is what is keeping me going…and going…in the wee hours of the early morning: “A+! Though I’ve never read a single literary guide before, and will probably…
Travel Observations
Post-pandemic travel observations so far, traveling while masked and with noise-canceling headphones.
Excitement and Adventure and Really Wild Things Part One
Guidebook research is arranged in conjunction with attending the 72nd Eastercon which I have been supporting through volunteer work. It it is a wonderful chance to meet up with fans and friends, and discuss the literature and lore I love to geek out about.
My Improbability Drive
Trust introduces both coincidence and improbability alongside talent and hard work in the equation of success.