The deadline for Hugo nominations is March 9th. We’ve reviewed the rules (and checked them twice). Douglas Adams’ London is eligible for the prestigious Hugo Award is the category ‘Best Related Work.’

As a member of WSFS (World Science Fiction Society) you can nominate Douglas Adams’ London, Author Yvette Keller, and Publisher Herb Lester and Associates, to be considered for a Hugo Award.

Only members who purchased their membership by January 31st can nominate, but you do NOT have to be traveling to the World Science Fiction Convention in Glasgow (or have traveled to Chengdu last year) to vote for SFF works you loved. You just have to buy a WSFS membership.
If you are not a member (and know nothing about why you would ever choose be a member), let me assure you, the £45 to join WSFS comes with awesome benefits.
It gives you access to a compendium of all the nominated works for the year. Nominally this is so that you can read and make informed decisions when voting. But mostly, I join each year because I get AWESOME books, novellas, and short stories all in one place!
Becoming a WSFS member is an incredible resource; They hand over access to the best in SFF! I can’t recommend it highly enough.

If you can, a nomination shows the world how much you love what you read (like Douglas Adams’ London map and guide) and your willingness to expand your reading list to include works you might not have considered.
For me, It is an opportunity to be recognized by my fans and peers for making a cool thing.
If you are interested in voting and reading some incredible, award-worthy work, become a WSFS member!
What do you think?