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Hear About New Audiobooks!Viola Roberts Cozy Mystery Series
Producing audiobooks for the sassy, snarky, Viola Roberts Cozy Mysteries is my dream day job! Wherever she goes, trouble finds Viola. This series by Shéa Macleod features everything you want from a cozy: humor, intrigue, and a bit of light murder. From Florida to Oregon, and even as far away as the UK, wherever Viola alights, a handsome police detective is sure to have a very bad day.
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Yvette Keller is absolutely marvelous as a narrator. She does dramatic pauses better than anyone I have heard in a long time – perfectly timed. She gives her voices the right amount of giggle, suspense, tears, or whatever the scene needs. I could listen to her anytime!
Page Princess Blog
Viola Roberts Also Available as Box Sets
Narrator Yvette Keller plays the part perfectly. Her voice characterizations are on the money and color each personality just enough to draw you into the story.
Mystery Thriller Week Blog
Red Slipper Series
During transitional times anything can happen. Miranda Mayer’s Red Slipper Series envisions a historic Regency world coping with the arcane. Each book features a supernatural challenge: Wizards, ghosts, werewolves, witches, and fairies, with giants, demons, dragons and aliens to come. With the resources of early 19th Century earth, strong female characters in these standalone novels discover how to balance power, romance, and responsibility to create the lives they’ve always dreamed of.
More Red Slipper Series Coming Soon

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