New Audiobook Release (For Reals This Time) The Wizard King!

Image of The Wizard King Audiobook Cover Art

Amazon had trouble getting my latest audiobook release–The Wizard King–actually released. There was some confusion on the technical end, and our new audiobook, about an innocent young woman in a magical Regency world, was attached to a racy bodice-ripper with a bare-chested hunk on the cover.

Needless to say, that would. not. do. So although the audiobook was “finished” nearly two months ago, it is finally easy for fans to find it!

This book was a new challenge in several ways. It’s the first book in a series of novels set in a Regency Fantasy world. The writing is completely different than the Viola Roberts Cozy Mysteries. More like books of the early 19th Century, it is descriptive and detailed. The characters are lovely people to get to know, but their dialog is more formal. The plot is action-packed, and the writing is emotional, often romantic, but a lot of bad things happen to good people.

It was also my first time voicing the non-human, “ogrein,” which was a blast! I’m very grateful to the author, Miranda Mayer, for choosing me to bring her Red Slipper series to life!



What do you think?