Tag: Classwork

  • 20-20 Theme

    Welcome to 2020! In my continuing effort to share some of my Random Journal Writings with you all, here’s another exercise I did in Write From The Body. It is based on a poem and the prompt, “I am From.” If we don’t look back at how far we’ve come and what makes us who…

  • Narration Demo

    Narration Demo

    Somebody’s got a new demo… This week I’m in San Francisco, writing and recording a professional demo reel for narration jobs. I’ve learned gobs about this very technical work, and gained the experience of a director looking for a specific sound and helping me get there. Identifying areas where I need deeper work and more…

  • Sucking is Totally Acceptable in Service to Becoming Awesome 

    Inspired by Lazy When I was flirting with the idea of becoming an audiobook narrator I tagged along to an informational session at Voice One school in San Francisco. My brilliant cousin Rob, an actor, singer, and co-founder of Sightglass Theater Company was checking them out and I went along for fun. In that one-hour session, the…

  • Adventures in Narration: Poison in the Pudding

    Adventures in Narration: Poison in the Pudding

    Pickups (fixing mistakes) for Poison in the Pudding are finished! Now on to the editing and mastering. This new novella and accompanying audiobook will be available on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes in October! I tried a couple of different things for this holiday season piece by Shéa Macleod, including a slight pose to embody a particular…

  • My Writing Influences

    Every writer I’ve ever read has no doubt influenced me in ways I can’t imagine, but when I’m asked what writers have influenced me and why specific images and feelings pop into my head: The severe, dark-haired Anne Rice in a small room, holding a black oil pencil. The white walls are scribbled with words.…

  • A Very Good Place To Start

    The workshop I spent the most time in at the Santa Barbara Writer’s Conference (SBWC) was called Story Structure for all Genres. Playwright and author, Dale Griffiths Stamos, provides brief lecture and then conducts interview-style one-on-ones with each author, discussing their overall work. I’m still very new to writing so it takes only the simplest…