Tag: Costume

  • Writing in the Galleries (I)

    Writing in the Galleries (I)

    The facilitator invited us to observe a piece of art from the galleries and jot down a “fast and loose” poem, not about the art, but about the relationship between ourselves and the art.

  • Word for 2020

    Word for 2020

    One thing that sums up how I will keep 2020 focused and on-track

  • Erotica for A Clothing Addict

    Erotica for A Clothing Addict

    The J. Peterman Company has been around, publishing its glorious owner’s manuals since 1987 (the year I started High School). Yes, I had to look that up. I never saw one, nor watched Seinfeld, until I went away to college. That was when my mentor, Steven Crain, shared one of the catalogs on a cool,…

  • Time Traveling Again

    Time Traveling Again

    In two weeks, for the third year in a row, I will be returning to the Oregon Caves Chateau for my favorite time travel event of the year. Please enjoy this re-post of my 2014 article describing my first experience with the Oregon Regency Society.   A Time Traveller’s Note By Madame Bessey My Dear…