Tag: Film

  • Ramen Up For Tampopo, Cowboys!

    Ramen Up For Tampopo, Cowboys!

    Tampopo is a ten-course meal of visual intensity. Watching it was like being at a feast table with a wide variety of friends and relatives. Some tell funny stories and some tell scary stories. A few are boring and others are disgusting. And ten courses goes on, and on, and on. Too much for me…

  • Elect Melissa McCarthy Queen of Everything Already

    Elect Melissa McCarthy Queen of Everything Already

    As a part of the run up to the new Netflix Season Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, here’s my paltry addition to the accolades being showered on Melissa McCarthy (rightfully so!). She was so amazing as Sookie St. James that she instantly became one of those actors where I shout “I LOVE her!” when…

  • Origins

    Enjoyed Far From the Madding Crowd at The Riviera Theater for cheap movie night. Thanks, Dad, for loving movies and getting the weekly burger-and-a-movie-night started. You would have slept through most of this film, I think, but I enjoyed the scenery and costumes.