Tag: Guest Post
The Unasked Question: Emily Randolph-Epstein Asks Why
It seems the safest question to ask when you meet anyone new: “So, what do you do for a living?” Did cocktail parties of the 50’s give us this dreaded question? Because I wish it would die already, or become as much tongue and cheek as “How about those Dodgers?” I do so many things.…
Story Prompts For Non-Verbal Thinkers, Part 1
This week’s guest post is courtesy of Mark Bessey. Mark is renowned among his acquaintances as a teller of funny stories. Lucky for us, he has finally decided to write them down. He blogs about software issues at Another Day in The Code Mines. It’s accepted wisdom, maybe even a truism, that writers love…
A Decade of Imitation Fruit Literary Journal
Guest Blogger Eva Barrows is a San Francisco Bay Area freelance and fiction writer with a comedic bent. Eva blogs about local places, people, and events on her writer website www.evabarrows.com. She founded Imitation Fruit Literary Journal, www.imitationfruit.com in 2007 and has enjoyed promoting fellow writers and artists ever since. Years of pent…