Tag: Learning
Narration Demo
Somebody’s got a new demo… This week I’m in San Francisco, writing and recording a professional demo reel for narration jobs. I’ve learned gobs about this very technical work, and gained the experience of a director looking for a specific sound and helping me get there. Identifying areas where I need deeper work and more…
Sucking is Totally Acceptable in Service to Becoming Awesome
Inspired by Lazy When I was flirting with the idea of becoming an audiobook narrator I tagged along to an informational session at Voice One school in San Francisco. My brilliant cousin Rob, an actor, singer, and co-founder of Sightglass Theater Company was checking them out and I went along for fun. In that one-hour session, the…
Notes From The Studio Audience: Return to Base
If it hasn’t become clear to blog readers yet, “The Studio Audience” is me. In this endeavor of learning how to do audiobooks, I am my own Producer, Actor, Director, Editor, and Marketer. I’m the only person with skin in this game, so especially when I am editing my narration, I work on several levels simultaneously. (I…
Trust the Process. Follow the Process. Do NOT skip any step in the process.
In my work-life, I continue to learn the difference between an amateur voice actor and a professional one. Amateurs may “know” what to do, but haven’t repeated the process enough times (or recently enough) to do a task without a checklist, cheat sheet, or laborious pre-work. Professionals have gone through the process so frequently and fastidiously that…
Black Tea with Lemon and Honey
For the first time, I tried drinking my morning black tea with honey and lemon. The honey was a diluted buckwheat honey water (we are almost out of our honey stash and I am using up the last little bit). The lemon was a Meyer lemon, with a peel almost the pale orange of a sunset.…
Generosity and Intimacies
I’ve been sick this week which means that I was productive in unusual ways. I slept a lot. Coughed a heck of a lot of phlegm out of my lungs (sorry to go literal on you there). Sat with the husband and completed year-end tax-deductible donations. And I finally managed to finish a book and a TV…