Tag: Spring

  • Finnemore Fridays: Happy Spring!

    Finnemore Fridays: Happy Spring!

    Okay, fine, there’s a week or so left…but it feels like spring to me. So HAPPY SPRING (early)! I have two little gifts for you. Three, if you count this photo: First, if you are in Santa Barbara, you can see me on stage tomorrow, Saturday, March 5th, in the Santa Barbara Improv Short Form…

  • Happy Spring

    Hello, 1 AM! The full moon of Spring Equinox woke me with inescapable silver brightness. Instead of digging up my sleep mask, I’ve come to blog for you, friends. WINTER IS OVER. My creative energy has returned with a vengeance: I want to go everywhere and see everyone, and do everything…NOW. What things do I…