Santa Barbara Towel Day Celebration 2023

Every year on May 25th, Douglas Adams fans around the world celebrate Towel Day, carrying a towel everywhere to spread their love for Douglas Adams and his works. Hitchhiker fans young and old are encouraged to join the fun!
Together with The Book Den Independent Bookstore at 15 E Anapamu St, Santa Barbara, California, Yvette Keller, the 2023 Towel Day Ambassador, will host the following Towel Day activities from 4:30 – 6 pm, in Santa Barbara, California:
- Vogon Poetry Reading (bring your own bad poetry to rival a Vogon!)
- Froodiest Towel Contest
- Character Costume Show
Towels and costumes are admired but not required. Douglas Adams’ London Guides will be available to purchase or if you already have a copy, bring it! Yvette will sign your copy or really, anything you want her signature on (no contracts, deeds, or body parts considered indecent exposure).

If you’re lucky, Yvette will read to you from the guide before throwing you out of an airlock.