Category: Narrator
Concept to Broadcast: Producing a Podcast is More Than Just Talk
A Guest Post by Leanne Elliott A few months ago, I did one of those free online boot camps that got me all fired up about becoming a podcaster and I thought, how hard could it be to go from concept to broadcast? With 2.4 million podcasts in the world, and a whopping 75% launching…
Big Things Start Small
As an SF nerd since childhood, I’m excited to be in Big Things Start Small and future episodes. What Steve creates as he explores the man, the myth, and the archetype Bezos inhabits is a delightful mind-mangle. Steve digs into the media and morality of saving Planet Earth.
Yvette’s Eastercon 2022 Part 2: Achievements Unlocked!
Part Two is about achievements unlocked, including getting home with only a single whasset.
Finnemore Fridays: Cutest Beagle Ever!
If you’ve ever wondered what the working dogs at airports are thinking, John Finnemore can tell you.
Excitement and Adventure and Really Wild Things Part One
Guidebook research is arranged in conjunction with attending the 72nd Eastercon which I have been supporting through volunteer work. It it is a wonderful chance to meet up with fans and friends, and discuss the literature and lore I love to geek out about.
Finnemore Fridays: Alchemy
John Finnemore illustrated one of my favorite sketches and shared it on YouTube!
Sweet and Snarky
Audiobook updates have been slim and none while I’ve been wordsmithing this next revision of Forty-Two Places: A Literary Tourist’s Guide To Douglas Adams. Today brought me a few new members of my Review Crew and an opportunity to help someone! A new member shared that they were recovering from a recent eye surgery and…
Guest Spot on Electric Monks Podcast
Ed and Nemo are joined by special guest Yvette Keller to discuss the new Dirk Gently short film, Socially Distanced Dirk, as well as the accompanying 2021 Douglas Adams memorial lectures by Arvind Ethan David and Baroness Susan Greenfield. We also talk about a new Kickstarter book project which will provide unearthed archived material from…