Image of John Finnemore

Finnemore Fridays: Summer

The Equinox was last weekend and summer vacation is officially over. Not so the “summer” season. Luckily for us, Indian Summer ensures the heatwaves will probably go on until Halloween. Maybe even Thanksgiving.

On weekends, ice cream trucks will continue their slow, drive-by-temptings.

British ice cream trucks are painted a bit differently than Californian ice cream trucks. Maybe it is our proximity to the Magic Kingdom itself, but I’d never seen one of these bizarre, slightly-off, artistic endeavors until visiting the UK.

Luckily we have John Finnemore to explain what the heck is going on there.



One response to “Finnemore Fridays: Summer”

  1. Mark Bessey

    These were totally a thing in Michigan, when I was a little kid. We also got various “slightly off” comic book characters.

What do you think?