Tag: Behind The Scenes
Narration Demo
Somebody’s got a new demo… This week I’m in San Francisco, writing and recording a professional demo reel for narration jobs. I’ve learned gobs about this very technical work, and gained the experience of a director looking for a specific sound and helping me get there. Identifying areas where I need deeper work and more…
Sucking is Totally Acceptable in Service to Becoming Awesome
Inspired by Lazy When I was flirting with the idea of becoming an audiobook narrator I tagged along to an informational session at Voice One school in San Francisco. My brilliant cousin Rob, an actor, singer, and co-founder of Sightglass Theater Company was checking them out and I went along for fun. In that one-hour session, the…
Black Tea with Lemon and Honey
For the first time, I tried drinking my morning black tea with honey and lemon. The honey was a diluted buckwheat honey water (we are almost out of our honey stash and I am using up the last little bit). The lemon was a Meyer lemon, with a peel almost the pale orange of a sunset.…
Team CITC: Shea and Yvette talk about creating The Corpse in the Cabana together
Collaboration is my speed. Seriously. Why make great stuff unless you can make it for, and with, people who are awesome? With that in mind, today’s post is a behind the scenes opportunity to hear just a little bit about what it was like for Shea and me, “Team CITC,” to put this audiobook together…