Team CITC: Shea and Yvette talk about creating The Corpse in the Cabana together

Collaboration is my speed. Seriously. Why make great stuff unless you can make it for, and with, people who are awesome?

With that in mind, today’s post is a behind the scenes opportunity to hear just a little bit about what it was like for Shea and me, “Team CITC,” to put this audiobook together for you!


Q: What was your favorite thing or the best part about having CITC produced into an audiobook?
Shéa: My favorite thing was being able to work on my first self-published audio book with a real life friend. It made it a lot more fun and we could tackle the learning curve together. It was a great feeling to be creating something readers have been asking for.
Yvette: When you’re trying out something new that you’ve never done before, the learning curve can be brutal. In my case, I am a bit of a perfectionist and therefore, my own worst critic! The best thing about working on this project with Shea was her trust and encouragement. Early on in the project, she would quality-check the chapters and send me messages like, “Holy crackers! Ch 1 & 2 sound GREAT! Especially the ending of Ch 2. Shivers!” The audio editing work can be grueling, and the fact that I was giving Shea a fun new experience with her own work, kept me going.


Q: What was the hardest thing or worst part about having CITC produced into an audiobook?
Shéa: Listening to the finished product was actually really difficult for me. Not because it wasn’t amazing (it is TOTALLY AWESOME), but because it was so strange listening to someone else speak the words I’d written. It was a little surreal. The learning curve was also a bit of a pain, but we got there in the end! lol! Next time I’m sure everything will go smoothly (Hope springs eternal).
Yvette: The hardest part was acknowledging it was THE FIRST. First everythings usually aren’t that great (THIS audiobook is the exception, of course). Great cooks never make something entirely untested for a formal party, which is why my friend Angela insisted on a test cake prior to our Easter Tea. Only by making mistakes (like turning your carrot cake green) can you avoid them. Mistakes were made. And fixed. If I missed any, I trust you’ll let me know!



What do you think?